Sunday 19 February 2012

COW vintage

I'm sure if you're from England you will have heard of a shop called COW, it's a chain of vintage clothing shops in a few cities, and pretty much where I spend the majority of my money. Recently they've opened an online shop (check it out!!) and they were looking for fashion students for an internship. I said hi to the guy who works there and gave me and my friends free doughnuts on a night out, and, coincidentally, he was with the manager and I drunkenly asked if there were any jobs, so he offered me the internship (that's what you get when you ask for stuff).  I started on Friday half expecting to be making cups of tea, however, I got a cup of tea made for me and was asked to style four outfits relating to Britain in aid of London Fashion Week. Apart from breaking a very nice bag and a button falling off one of the shirts, I think they turned out quite well and I've even been given my first styling jobby for the website in a couple of weeks!

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